
Mental Health and Wellbeing Support – Further support

Dear Parents and Carers,

Many people may find the Christmas period challenging for a number of reasons; financial pressures, an expectation to be ‘happy’, difficult family relationships, grief and loss to name but a few.  

The Christmas period this year may be even harder because of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, which has dominated our lives for most of the year.

Looking after your mental health and well-being has never been more important so I wanted to share some resources with you which I hope you will find helpful.  Please reach out if you are struggling, talking to someone that you trust is a helpful first step in releasing some of the pressure and getting the support you need. 

Seasonal self-care


Self-care for Parents and Carers


Self-care for Young People


Coronavirus and your mental health


Getting help with your mental health


Getting help with a young person’s mental health


We also understand that children may be struggling with mental health, emotional upset and witnessing abuse. We would  like to make you aware of these support groups that can too be accessed by children. 


0800 1111




0808 800 5000

Kooth online counselling services for teenagers: 


You can also phone the KCC Front Door Services to ask for support and advice if you feel a child, family or yourself is in danger:

03000 411111

If you know, see or you feel your family or yourself  is in real danger, please do not hesitate to call 101 or 999.  

These teams are here to help and support you and your families. 

We do hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all in January 2021. 

Kind regards

The Wrotham School Safeguarding Team

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