Our Curriculum

Vision & Principles- Curriculum Intent
‘High expectations, challenge and opportunity”
At Wrotham School our curriculum is designed to promote our ethos of High Expectations, Challenge and Opportunity. We aim to create a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of every student whilst offering opportunity to experience, enjoy and succeed in a wide range of subjects. We strongly believe in the importance of basic key skills such as literacy and numeracy and that these form the foundation for achieving progress in all subject areas and improve skills that facilitate social mobility and success in adult life.
We offer a full curriculum that is designed to support a range of abilities through offering an appropriate menu of academic and vocational qualifications. Our focus is on providing a broad curriculum that engages students in making informed choices at KS4 and 5 and challenges students to achieve and exceed prior expectations.
Adaptation is a key aspect of our curriculum and course delivery. At Wrotham School we know that differentiation is the key to ensuring all students make and exceed expected progress in each subject area.
We emphasise the transformational power and impact of creative subjects and the arts at KS3, 4 and 5 as a vehicle for developing emotional intelligence, confidence, resilience and communication skills. It is for this reason we place a clear emphasis on these subjects at all stages, particularly at KS3.
We provide opportunities for students to engage in extra-curricular learning and to develop their character traits. We aim to nurture and develop students’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural understandings and appreciation of British values. We intend to cultivate students’ individual strengths and to create a learning environment which builds students’ confidence and resilience.
We intend to instill in our students the values of: personal responsibility; compassion; open-mindedness; respect; and integrity. Religious Education is a successful part of our curriculum in which students achieve excellent progress. Religious Education lessons offer learning opportunities that relate to spirituality, ethics,
religion and philosophy and cover a balanced range of world religions and belief systems.
Our full curriculum policy and intent can be accessed below:
Curriculum and Assessment Policy
Alongside our subject based curriculum we also ensure that our character ethos is taught in all aspects of our provision the outline of this can be found below:
Character Curriculum/ Progress Time (Contains Elements of Sex and Relationship Education)
Our Careers Curriculum is also carefully mapped to ensure that students learning is closely linked to careers and pathways based learning throughout the school.
Our Full Sex, Relationships and Health Education curriculum map can be found here:
Years 7- 9 Enrichment Curriculum
Department Curriculum Maps
Below are the full outlines of our curriculum provision for all year groups showing the subjects and topics students will explore throughout their KS3, 4 and 5 study. All topics are designed and placed to provide a sequential experience where learning both builds on prior study and leads on to the next steps of learning.
(Please note: These are working documents and subject to regular review and update)
Life and Society (Includes elements of Sex and Relationships education)
Religious Education (Contains elements of Sex and Relationships Education)
Literacy Policy
Literacy policy 2024-2025Assessment and Homework Policy
Wrotham School Assessment and Homework policy 2024-2025Literacy and Reading Support
Literacy is a key access point to all of our curriculum and therefore holds a high status in our curriculum provision. Below are documents and support materials that can help you to support your child with their reading and literacy.
Cross-curricular recommended reads English department's recommended reads Reading website