Choosing GCSEs

It may feel a bit daunting, choosing your GCSE options, because the subjects you choose now can affect what options you will have afterwards in terms of sixth form/college/apprenticeship courses. But don’t worry!
Support in school
You will get lots of advice along the way, and there is impartial guidance available on Morrisby – the career platform that we use in school.
Your timetable has been designed so that you trial subjects on a rotation-basis, with new options each term. This will give you a six-week taster of all of the GCSE options that are available at Wrotham.
In your fortnightly careers sessions, you will explore the different career sectors and what possibilities that they offer.
You can talk to subject teachers and your progress tutors to get advice on which subjects could help you to progress to certain post-16 options (because some subjects at A level need you to take specific GCSEs).
If you are very confused and feel like you would like personalised support or guidance, please speak to a member of the Year 9 team who will help you find the appropriate level of support.