Careers guidance meetings

At Wrotham School, we have a permanent careers adviser who is employed full-time. Mrs Hollinshead is qualified as a level 6 Careers Development Professional. She is also a qualified teacher with nearly 20 years of experience of working with young people, supporting them with university, apprenticeship and employment applications.
Every student in school can expect:
- At least one personalised guidance session on a one-to-one basis before they leave school in Year 11.
- A small-group guidance session to support with GCSE choices before the end of Year 9.
- At least one additional personalised guidance session on a one-to-one basis while they are in the sixth form.
Students with additional needs, including those with an EHCP and care-experienced young people can also expect:
- Mrs Hollinshead will attend annual reviews including EHCP and LAC/PEP review meetings. This is to ensure that the student and their family/carers are receiving support with future plans and accurate information and advice.
- Students with EHCPs and Looked After Children will receive additional careers guidance meetings – at least one per academic year.
- Mrs Hollinshead will work with Heads of Year and the safeguarding and SEN Teams to identify vulnerable students who may benefit from additional intervention in this area.