How to help my child

Parents and carers are by far the biggest influence on the decisions and future aspirations of their children. Our careers team want to keep you up to date with new options and important deadlines.
Click the image to Access Each Resource
Talking Futures: A Parent’s Toolkit for Constructive Career Conversations
Parental Guidance: A free website with careers information and advice
Career Mag: a free subscription with monthly updates
University advice for parents: podcasts, events and downloadable guides all in one place.
Get the Jump: Groups Options into the Style of Learning
Kent Choices parent/carer webinar October 2024
Please view the recording of the webinar here – it will tell you everything you need to know in order to support your Year 11 child through the post-16 application process.
live and recorded webinars and information about all technical options, including T Levels, Higher Technical Qualifications and Apprenticeships.
Advice for Apprenticeships: Parent and Carer Pack (updated monthly)
There are also parent guides in different languages if you scroll to the bottom of the page.
I want to hire my child after they finish school
Have you thought about offering them an apprenticeship?
The image above links to the Kent Apprentice website with a helpline and email address at the bottom of the page. Their team will help you decide whether you want to offer them an apprenticeship, what apprenticeship you might choose, how it could be funded and also help you find a reputable training provider to partner with. This advice is all free.
Advice about T-levels for parents/carers
The child or young person I support needs specific help with post-16 or post-18 options – care-experienced young people
From November 2024, all care-experienced young people at Wrotham will be offered the opportunity to create an ‘About Me’ profile that they will be able to use to support the transition to employment, apprenticeships or universities. This is following recommendations from the Children’s Commissioner’s handbook ‘Supporting Care-Experienced Students‘ (October 2024), recommendation 21.
The below organisations offer support directly for carers and care-experienced young people that can be used at any point in their school journey and preparation for transition out of school. Guidance from UCAS is about how the apprenticeship and/or university application process is different for care-experienced young people and directs carers and young people to additional support (this includes if they have EVER been in any kind of care and had to live with someone other than their parents (e.g. kinship care)).
CLICKING HERE will take you to the step-by-step guide for carers and those working with young people with care-experience in their journey to studying at university.
My child needs specific help with post-16 or post-18 options – SEND
Please look at the contact details for our Careers Team. There is a short list of specialist roles are and how they might help.
Kent County Council’s website about support for young people with special educational needs and disabilities
Some careers advice and free support for specific physical or mental health needs or SEND
If you know of any particularly useful links or organisations that you feel we should be sharing with our parents and carers, please email
These organisations offer free mentoring, CV and one-to-one guidance and support, advice, internships and work experience and more.