Wrotham School

Resources for mental health and wellbeing (2/11/2020)

Mental Health Crisis Support. This service (for all age groups) went live earlier this month. Support is now available simply by texting the word “Kent” or the word “Medway” to 85258. It is free for the majority of phone networks – for full details see here  https://www.kent.gov.uk/social-care-and-health/health/release-the-pressure/release-the-pressure-text-service The service is provided by the national charity Shout. You can read more about how the service is provided here https://www.giveusashout.org

Kooth is a free, safe and anonymous mental health and wellbeing online platform for young people aged 10 to 16yrs across the whole of Kent 24/7                                                                                        

MoodSpark or Kent Resilience Hub to learn about mental health and find tips and resources to keep emotionally healthy                                                                                                                       

Text ChatHealth for support around physical and mental health on 07520 618850. The number is monitored Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm       

Self-referring to the Children and Young People’s Counselling Service                                                                                    

Accessing the Big White Wall if aged 16+ for anonymous support

Newspapers/Online Magazines/Podcasts:





CALM ZONE – Childline has a fantastic site full of a variety of exercises, activities and games designed to help young people of all ages feel calmer and reduce stress see, https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/calm-zone/

ONE YOU – This is a great support for adults which offers free 1:1 to help improve your lifestyle from; mental wellbeing, getting more active, support in the community, financial support to eating well. See link below for further information and how to refer; https://www.tmbc.gov.uk/services/health-and-social-care/health-and-medical-advice/health-advice/oneyou-west-kent-challenge

APPS FOR MENTAL HEALTH- The NHS have put together a library of apps designed for children and adults to support mental health and wellbeing. You can filter by category and they have both free and paying apps:


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